
0824 Lesson with Chris

아솔 2022. 8. 24. 08:04



1. We were three people.(X) -> There were 3 of us.(O)

  - We were 3 people 이라고 하면 우리는 3명의 로봇이 아니라 사람이다. 이렇게 사람을 강조하는 느낌

  - We were three. -> 우리는 세 살이다. (three가 형용사로 인식되므로)

  - 다만, 이 표현만 예외적으로 쓰임. "We are many, they are few" -> 우리는 많고 쟤네는 적어. 이길 수 있어!!


2. a hundreds people(X) -> hundreds of  people / a hundred people(O)


3. We assigned to each department later.(X) -> We were assigned to each department later.(O)

4. hundreds of university graduate(X) -> hundreds of university graduates(O)


5. Korean style chicken food(X) -> Korean style chicken(O)

  - chicken food라고 하면 chicken이 먹는 food의 느낌


6. It's kind of feel weird.(X) -> It kind of feels weird.(O)


7. He cook it.(X) -> He cooks it.(O)


8. We all together watching the server is cooking in front of us(X)

  -> We were all watching the server cook in front of us.(O)


9. feels not very comfortable(X) -> doesn't feel very comfortable(O)

  -> 부정이 가능한 한 문장에서 먼저 나와야 한다. (negative moves as early as possible)


10. Bob and I went there together.(X)

  -> Bob and I went there.(O) / less common, casual: I went there together with bob.(O) 


11. a friend who went there together yesterday(X) -> a friend who went there with me yesterday(O)

  - together는 무엇과 함께인지가 같이 나와야 한다.


12. the thing that you cook food with fire(X)

  -> the thing where you cook food with fire(O) / the thing that you cook food with fire on(O)

  - that + 불완전한 문장, where + 완전한 문장

    that을 쓰고 싶으면, 문장에 hole을 만들어줘야 한다. the thing that you cook food with fire on sth




1. "enumerator/quantifier"

  -> 추가 정리 필요!


2. Stove에서 요리할 때 온도 묘사 :on/over high heat / over a high flame

  - He was cooking on high heat. (on high heat , on medium heat, on low heat)
  - He was cooking over a high flame.


3. stir fry : 볶다.

  - He stir fried the chicken. (as a verb)
    I was eating stir-fried chicken. (as an adjective)
    I was eating a stir fry. (as a noun)

   *Hyphen은 형용사에만 넣는다. "Currently, we mostly only use hyphens in compound adjectives"

  - sautee도 볶다인데, stir fry보다 그냥 불 위에 놔두는 것. stir fry는 뒤집개로 막 볶는 느낌.




1. "raw" vs row


2. "fruit" -> 우~를 좀더 강하게



1. adjectival participial phrase

  - participial phrase : 분사구 -> 공부 더 필요


2. that + 불완전한 문장, where + 완전한 문장


3. 지각동사 + 동사원형 or 현재진행형
  - I saw Bob eat. -> eat을 강조

    I saw Bob eating. -> Bob을 강조. 아주 subtle한 차이
    그리고, ing는 먹고 있는 걸 본 것일 뿐, 다 먹었는지는 모름. eat는 다먹은거를 아는 느낌